They sell her a crazy story about how, if she can trace the location of the Nina Project, they'll win a new video game console for Dustin. They find Suzie on the roof doing Suzie-like things involving a hard hat and an antenna. Not to mention, one of them is a teenage girl named Eden ( Audrey Holcomb), an Allison Reynolds lookalike, whom Argyle is instantly dazzled by. There are so many Mormon children running around that just when you think there can't be any more, two more appear. They walk into the house and find utter chaos, as if we'd expect anything less from Suzie-poo. Mike and Will forewarn Argyle that Suzie's family is super religious, so he needs to be on his best behavior. Moving over to the California crew, Jonathan ( Charlie Heaton), Argyle ( Eduardo Franco), Mike ( Finn Wolfhard), and Will ( Noah Schnapp) have finally arrived in Salt Lake City at Suzi's ( Gabriella Pizzolo) house. There's just one slight change of plan: Yuri will play the silent role of Murray, and Murray will pose as Yuri. They are going to stroll right into the lion's den that is the Russian prison because Yuri was supposed to bring them in as prisoners anyway. They make a pit stop at the church where they fill him in on the next part of their plan. Either they leave him there to die, or, he takes them to the prison. They have Yuri ( Nikola Djuricko) tied to a tree – there is nothing around for miles.

Here are 15 references and Easter eggs that can be found in Black Mirror season 6 that tie into the acclaimed show's expanded universe.Meanwhile, Joyce ( Winona Ryder) and Murray ( Brett Gelman) are finalizing their plan to break Hop out of prison. Black Mirror season 6's best and worst moments are connected by thoughtful placed Easter eggs and references to some of the most iconic Black Mirror episodes ever made. The introduction of the Netflix-parodying Streamberry in Black Mirror season 6, episode 1 created a new platform that connects multiple Black Mirror installments. With so much original content to reference, it's not surprising that the creators of Black Mirror packed season 6 with fun Easter eggs that expand the Black Mirror universe. There are numerous callbacks to iconic characters and events in Black Mirror's first two episodes alone, with several others hidden within the details of the remaining three episodes of the new season. Black Mirror season 6 features many references and Easter eggs to previous episodes that expand its shared universe.